My name is Asia and card-making is my passion.
It brings me joy and makes me smile.

Make yourself comfortable and take a look around.

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Wednesday, 30 October 2013

About myself

My name is Asia and cardmaking is my passion. 
It brings me joy and makes me smile.
For many years it gave me a great pleasure to bestow 
my cards to my friends and my family. 
Now it is time to share my passion with other people.
I hope that writing this blog will help me 
to stay creative and mobilized, effective and inspired. 
So here I am, typing my first post,
probably just for myself
and my journey begins right now :o)


  1. Anonymous8:23 pm

    Hi Asya
    Welcome to the world of blogging! I have read through all your blog posts and your cards are absolutely lovely, thank you for sharing them!

    Card making a wonderful journey to be on, don't you think ;-)


  2. Thank you Sarah,
    It absolutely is a great jurney :)


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